Our vision is to see every person on the Front Range connected to a Christ-follower.

Why Collaborate?
“The harvest is plentiful…”
We exist to see every person on the Front Range connected to a Christ-follower.
Unity Movement
“May they experience such perfect unity that the world will know that you sent Me…”
We exist to promote Unity and Collaboration amongst the “big C” Church of the Front Range so no stumbling block but Jesus is placed before our neighbors.
Network of Networks
“After preaching the Gospel in Derbe and making many disciples, they returned to Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch Pisidia, where they strengthen and encouraged the believers….”
We exist to empower churches to reach their multiplication potential through the development of affinity-
based and geography-based church planting networks.
Relational Encouragement
“A cord of three strands is not easily broken…”
We exist to ensure every pastor is celebrated and experiences an authentic community.
“The one who gathered much did not have too much, and the one who gathered little did not have too little…”
We exist to galvanize the best available resources (people, platforms, programs, pennies) and make them
available to Front Range churches.
“Now teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to teach others…”
We exist to assist sending churches in building best practices to train and nurture church planters so they may pursue their God-sized dreams in healthy ways.
We are committed to being "Friends on Mission". Community and Collaboration are at the center of how we behave. We move at the speed of Trust.

We have a ruthless commitment to see people far from God come home so more disciples, leaders, churches, networks and movements are birthed. We choose to prioritize our sending capacites as much as our seating capacities.
We have a commitment to share what God has entrusted to us (people, programs, platforms and pennies).
We hold tightly to the commitment of developing the next generation of leaders and church planters.

Get Involved
FRCPN Movement Gathering
Our next large group Movement Gathering is January 30th from 10am-12pm at Restoration Church (1101 S. Washington St, Denver 80210 - neighborhood street parking available)!
We are especially excited for this gathering because we are going to focus on praying for the Front Range together as our way of kicking off 2025. We also will get to hear from best-selling author and founder of Exponential, Dave Ferguson!
Please RSVP and consider bringing another pastor, staff person, or someone you are apprenticing. Bagels, Donuts, & buckets full of Coffee will be provided by Compassion International!
Looking forward to being with you!
FRCPN Next Steps
Check out the PDF below for all the ways that you can begin your next steps with FRCPN then fill out the survey to get more info on the things that will be most helpful to you and your church right now in your church planting journey!
Let's Connect
We want to collaborate with you and your church. That work starts with building relationship. Let's Connect!